PaulB For Alameda
Even-Keeled Leadership for a Better Alameda
The recent state mandate to add 5353 homes by 2031 will be a challenge. I will strive to make this happen with as little negative impact as possible to existing neighborhoods, while looking for opportunities to reduce urban blight. As we add housing, let's address current and potential traffic bottlenecks, along with expanding our park system and investing in infrastructure.
Instead of expensive housing solutions for a few, let's help all Alamedans experiencing homelessness with shelter, drug treatment, and mental health treatment.
Public Safety
Restore the police force to full 88 officer allocation
Increase transparency and ensure accountability
Build on CARE program success
While Alameda should participate in world-wide efforts to address climate change, Alameda City Council’s focus should be on the risks and mitigations that specifically impact Alameda. Let's invest in infrastructure to address sea-level rise, potential storm surge and erosion to reduce flood risk and save millions of dollars in flood insurance for Alameda's homeowners and businesses.
Functional Government
I will strive to make Alameda's government run more effectively:
Public Safety Improve public safety by supporting the Police Department, including hiring to restore the full 88 officer allocation. Increase transparency and ensure accountability.
Council Meetings Find ways to schedule public interest parts of council meetings at predictable times in the early evening
Staffing Find root causes for recent high staff turnover and address them
Fiscal Responsibility Ensure Alameda's finances are used effectively and balance short-team needs with long-term investments
Unfunded Pension Liabilities Verify that there is a sustainable plan to deal with Alameda's large unfunded pension liabilities
On these issues and others, I will listen to you, sort out the facts, and collaborate to find reasonable solutions.
Since I believe many of our dysfunctions are exacerbated by polarized, divisive and non-representative leadership, I will strive to improve the election process with Ranked Choice Voting to help Alameda continue to run smoothly for the future.
I believe that strengthening Alameda’s democracy is key to maintaining and enhancing our Alameda quality of life. Enabling that requires good communication channels between the government and citizens. Please reach out to me at Let me know what you’d like to see happen in Alameda and let me know your thoughts about the points above.